Episode 23

Your Body is Your Business Partner: Essential Health Habits for Entrepreneurs

Your entrepreneurial success means nothing without your health. Wellness expert Alohana Jackson pulls back the curtain on the essential habits that keep top performers thriving both in business and life.

After transforming her own struggles with anxiety and poor nutrition into a 20+ year career helping busy professionals optimize their health, Jackson reveals:

• The sleep-success connection and how to get quality rest

• Why most entrepreneurs are chronically dehydrated (and how to fix it)

• Movement strategies for people who sit all day

• Natural alternatives to common medications

• The supplements actually worth taking

Jackson also shares her science-backed approach to evaluating supplements and explains how to make sustainable health changes that last.

Request your free $25 sample pack of natural wellness products by emailing Alohana here.

About the Podcast

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From The Trenches
Success Shortcuts Revealed By Real-World Innovators Crushing It Right Now